Public Engagement

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Alternate Names: Social Action, Social Justice

Banack, Clark. "God's Province: Evangelical Christianity, Political Thought, and Conservatism in Alberta." Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2016.

Beaman-Hall, Lori. "Feminist Practice, Evangelical Worldview: The Response of Conservative Protestant Women to Wife Abuse." Ph.D. diss., University of New Brunswick, 1996.

Bibby, Reginald W. "Ethos Versus Ethics: Canada, the U.S., and Homosexuality." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Sanfrancisco, California (April 2004): 1-19.

Born, Henry C. "Evangelism and Social Action: A Study of a Mennonite Brethren Church." MCS thesis, Regent College, 1982

Bowler, Gerry. “The Canadian Battle for Christmas.” Published in Historical Papers: Canadian Society of Church History (2007): 77-87.

Buxton, Rodney. "Developing and Evaluating a Program for the Church to Respond to Domestic Abuse." D.Min. thesis, Providence College and Seminary, 2000.

Clark, S.D. Church and Sect in Canada. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1948.

Cook, Sharon Anne. "Continued and Perserering Combat: The Ontario Women's Christian Temperance Union, Evangelicalism and Social Reform, 1874-1916." Ph.D. diss., Carleton University, 1990.

Davies, Alan T and Marilyn F. Nefsky. How silent were the churches? : Canadian Protestantism and the Jewish plight during the Nazi era. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1997.

Dochuk, Darren. "Redeeming the Time: Conservative Evangelical Thought and Social Reform in Central Canada, 1885-1915." M.A. thesis, Queen's University, 1998.

Froese, Brian. ”Contrasting Visions of Mission: Mennonite Social Activism and Mennonite Brethren Evangelicalism in Post-War British Columbia.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Church History, Carleton University, 2009.

Gauvreau, Michael and Ollivier Hubert., eds. Churches and Social Order in Nineteeth- and Twentieth-Century Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2006.

Grant, John Webster. The Church in the Canadian Era: Updated and Expanded Edition. Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 1988.

Grant, John Webster. "Canadian Confederation and the Protestant Churches." Church History 38:3 (September 1969): 327-337.

Hagerman, Bryan Floyd. "The Church as a Countercultural Entity, Engaging the Culture in the Twenty-First Century Marketplace Context." D.Min. thesis, Acadia University, 2008.

Heath, Gordon. A war with a silver lining : Canadian protestant churches and the South African War, 1899-1902. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2009.

Hutchinson, Roger. Prophets, pastors and public choices : Canadian churches and the Mackenzie Valley pipeline debate. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1992.

James, Peter D. "Righteousness Exalteth the Nation: The Toronto Banner and the Nineteenth-century Evangelcial Crusade." M.A. thesis, Carleton University, 1981.

Jervis, Peter. "The Charter's Role in Shaping Canadian Values." In Shaping a Christian Vision for Canada: Discussion Papers on Canada's Future, ed. Aileen Van Ginkel, 60-62. Markham, ON: Faith Today Publications, 1992.

Mackintosh, Phillip Gordon. "Imagination and the Modern City: Reform and the Urban Geography of Toronto, 1890-1929." Ph.D. diss., Queen's University, 2001.

Markell, H. Keith. "Canadian Protestantism, 1885-1914." Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 1971.

Marshall, Paul. "Religion and Canadian Culture." In Shaping a Christian Vision for Canada: Discussion Papers on Canada's Future, ed. Aileen Van Ginkel, 1-24. Markham, ON: Faith Today Publications, 1992.

Michel, Anthony P. "Building a Christian Democracy: George Drew, the Protestant Churches and the Origins of Religious Education in Ontario's Public Schools, 1944-1945." Canadian Society of Church History Historical Papers, Dalhousie University (2003): 87-108.

Miedema, Gary. For Canada's Sake: Public Religion, Centennial Celebrations, and the Re-making of Canada in the 1960s. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2005.

Miedema, Gary. "For Canada's Sake: the Re-visioning of Canada and the Restructuring of Public Religion in the 1960's." Ph.D. diss., Queen's University, 2000.

Pacheco Espino Barros, Adriana. "Étude sur le châtiment corporel des enfants chez les protestants conservateurs francophones du Québec: Conflit entre loi séculière et loi divine?" Ph.D. diss., Université de Montréal, 2010.

Page, Don. "Participating in Constitutional Debate." In Shaping a Christian Vision for Canada: Discussion Papers on Canada's Future, ed. Aileen Van Ginkel, 77-80. Markham, ON: Faith Today Publications, 1992.

Page, Don. "Shaping Canadian Values." In Shaping a Christian Vision for Canada: Discussion Papers on Canada's Future, ed. Aileen Van Ginkel, 25-48. Markham, ON: Faith Today Publications, 1992.

Rennie, Ian S. "The Canadian Church: Responses to Secularization." Evangelical Fellowship of Canada Conference on Secularization and Pluralism, Toronto, April, 1991.

Sawatsky, Ronald G. “Evangelicals, Civic Mission, and Prisoners’ Aid in Toronto, 1874-1896.” Published in Canadian Protestant and Catholic Missions, 1820s-1960s: Historical Essays in Honour of John Webster Grant, eds. John S. Moir and C.T. McIntire, 150-170. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 1988.

Stackhouse Jr., John G. "Whose Dominion?: Christianity and Canadian Culture Historically Considered." Crux 28 (June 1992): 29-35.

Stiller, Brian. Don't let Canada die by neglect and other essays. Markham, ON: Faith Today Publications, 1994.

Stiller, Brian. From the Tower of Babel to Parliament Hill. New York: Harper Collins, 1997.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. "Submission by the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada to the Special Joint Committee on a Renewed Canada." Appendix A in Shaping a Christian Vision for Canada: Discussion Papers on Canada's Future, ed. Aileen Van Ginkel, 85-92. Markham, ON: Faith Today Publications, 1992.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. "Zoned Out: Religious Freedom in the Municipality: An Introductory Guide to Understanding the Religious Freedoms of Faith Groups and the Engagement Process When Facing a Zoning Challenge." Ottawa: The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, 2010.

VanderVennen, Robert E., ed. Church and Canadian Culture. London: University Press of America, Inc., 1991.

Van Die, Marguerite., ed. Religion and Public Life: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001.

Lyon, David and Marguerite Van Die. Rethinking Church, State and Modernity: Canada between Europe and America. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000.

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