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Alternate Names:

Addison, George Nelson. "Life and Culture of Three 'Blue Collar' churches in Hamilton, Ontario, 1875-1925." M.A. thesis, Queen's University at Kingston, 1999.

Angus, Marray Edmund. "Living in the World of the Tiger: The Methodist and Presbyterian Churches in Nova scotia and the Great War, 1914-1918." M.A. thesis, Dalhousie University, 1993.

Block, Alvina. "George Flett, Native Presbyterian Missionary: Old Philospher/Rev'd Gentleman." M.A. thesis, University of Manitoba, 1998.

Bourdreau, Michael Scott. "The Emergence of the Social Gospel in Nova Scotia: The Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist Churches and the Working Class, 1880-1914." M.A. thesis, Queen's University, 1991.

Brower, Ruth Compton. "Canadian Women and the Foreign Missionary Movement: A Case Study of Presbyterian Women's Involvement at the Home Base and in Central India, 1876-1914." Ph.D. diss., York University, 1987.

Compton Brouwer, Ruth. “Far Indeed from the Meekest of Women: Marion Fairweather and the Canadian Presbyterian Mission in Central India, 1873-1880.” Published in Canadian Protestant and Catholic Missions, 1820s-1960s: Historical Essays in Honour of John Webster Grant, eds. John S. Moir and C.T. McIntire, 121-149. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 1988.

Crerar, Duff. "'Crackling Sounds from the Burning Bush': The Evangelical Impulse in Canadian Presbyterianism before 1875." In Aspects of Canadian Evangelical Experience, ed. George A. Rawlyk, pp. 123-136. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997.

Finlayson, Sandy. "Kirk and State in Canada: The Struggle for Recognition 1790-1854." In Studies in Canadian Evangelical Renewal: Essays in Honour of Ian S. Rennie. eds. Kevin Quast and John Vissers, pp. 228-238. Markham, ON: Faith Today Publications, 1996.

Fowler, Michelle. "Keeping the Faith: The Presbyterian Press in Peace and War, 1913-1919." M.A. thesis, Wilfrid Laurier univeristy, 2005.

Fraser, Brian J. "The Pursuit of Providential Progress: The Journalism and Oratory of James A. Macdonald." In Studies in Canadian Evangelical Renewal: Essays in Honour of Ian S. Rennie. eds. Kevin Quast and John Vissers, pp. 155-174. Markham, ON: Faith Today Publications, 1996.

Gauvreau, Michael. "History and Faith: A Study of Methodist and Presbyterian Thought in Canada, 1820-1940." Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 1985.

Gill, Stewart D. “The Canadianization of the Scottish Church: The Reverend William Proudfoot and the Canadian Frontier, 1832-1851.” Published in Canadian Society of Church History Papers (1982): 68-93.

Grant, John Webster. "Burning Bushes: Flames of Revival in Nineteenth-Century Canadian Presbyterianism." Canadian Society of Church History Historical Papers, 1991.

Klempa, William, ed. The Burning Bush and a Few Acres of Snow: The Presbyterian Contribution to Canadian Life and Culture. Ottawa: Carleton Univ. Press, 1994.

Lougheed, Richard. The Controversial Conversion of Charles Chiniquy. Toronto: Clements Academic, 2009.

MacDonald, Laura. "Minister of the Gospel and Doctor of Medicine: The Canadian Presbyterian Medical Mission to Korea, 1898-1923." M.A. thesis, Queen's University at Kingston, 2000.

Mack, Barry. "From Preaching to Propaganda to Marginalization: The Lost Centre of Twentieth-Century Presbyterianism." In Aspects of the Canadian Evangelical Experience. ed. George A. Rawlyk, 137-153. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997.

Manson, Ian M. "Serving God and Country: Evangelical Piety and the Presbyterian Church in Manitoba, 1880-1900." M.A. thesis, University of Manitoba, 1986.

Marr, M. Lucille. "Church Hierarchy and Christian Nurture: The Significance of Gender in Religious Education in the Methodist, Presbyterian and United Churches of Canada, 1919-1939." Ph.D. diss., University of Waterloo, 1990.

Marshall, David B. "The Clerical Response to Secularization: Canadian Methodists and Presbyterians, 1860-1940." Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 1987.

Mathers, Alexander Robert Neal. "The Challenge of Church Growth for Canadian Presbyterians." D.Min. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1996.

McLaren, Darcee. "Living the Middle Ground: Four Native Presbyterian Missionaries. 1866-1912." Ph.D. diss., McMaster University, 1997.

McKenzie, Vanessa L. "This Vexed Question: Womanhood and the Woman Question in the Methodist Christian Guardian, Presbyterian Record, Anglican Canadian churchman and Canadian Baptist, 1890-1914." M.A. thesis, Queen's University at Kingston, 1996.

Moir, John S. Early Presbyterianism in Canada. Ed. Paul Laverdure. Gravelbourg, SK: Gravelbooks, 2003.

Reid, Darrel R. "Jesus Only: The Early Life and Presbyterian Ministry of Albert Benjamin Simpson, 1843-1881." Ph.D. diss., Queen’s University, 1994.

Rennie, Ian S. "The Free Church and the Relations of Church and State in Canada, 1884-1854," M.A. thesis, University of Toronto, 1954.

Stanley-Blackwell, Laurie C. "The 'Well Watered Garden': A study of Presbyterianism in Cape Breton in the Early Nineteenth Century." M.A. thesis, Dalhousie University, 1980.

Tait, William J. "From the sidelines of Empire: Canada's Protestant Mission to Korea, 1898-1938." M.A. thesis, Dalhousie University, 2008.

Zubalik, Janis R. "Advancing the Material Interests of the Redeemer's Kingdom: The Erskine Presbyterian Church, Montreal, 1984." M.A. thesis, Concordia University, 1996.

Zuidema, Jason. The Life and Thought of David Craig (1937-2001): Canadian Presbyterian Missionary. Toronto: Clements Academic, 2008.

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