Presbyterian Church in Canada

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Alternate Names:

Angus, Marray Edmund. "Living in the World of the Tiger: The Methodist and Presbyterian Churches in Nova scotia and the Great War, 1914-1918." M.A. thesis, Dalhousie University, 1993.

Bush, Peter. "Evangelism in The Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1875-1925." In Active Evangelism: The Canadian Presbyterian Story Conference Proceedings. CD-ROM. Committee on History, The Presbyterian Church in Canada, 2004.

Bush, Peter. "James Drummond MacGregor: The Pioneer of Pictou." In Called to Witness, Volume 3. ed. John Moir, 1-10. Toronto: The Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1991.

Bush, Peter. “The Native Residential Schools and the Presbyterian Church in Canada.” Published as “The Presbyterian Church in Canada and Native Residential Schools, 1925-1969.” Historical Papers: Canadian Society of Church History (1993): 175-186.

Bush, Peter. "'Sending the Gospel': The Development of the Knox College Student Missionary Society, 1845-1925." Canadian Society of Presbyterian History Papers (1987): 49-70.

Bush, Peter. Western Challenge: The Presbyterian Church in Canada's Mission on the Prairies and North, 1885-1925. Winnipeg: Watson and Dwyer, 2000.

Cristie, Edward A. "The Presbyterian Church in Canada and It's Official Attitude Toward Public Affairs and Social Problems, 1875-1925." M.A.thesis, University of Toronto, 1955.

Di Gangi, Mariano. "Canadian Presbyterians on Evangelism and Social Action 1945-1995." In Studies in Canadian Evangelical Renewal: Essays in Honour of Ian S. Rennie. eds. Kevin Quast and John Visser, pp. 195-209. Markham, ON: Faith Today Publications, 1996.

Fitch, William. Knox Church, Toronto: Avant-garde, Evangelical, Advancing. Toronto: John Deyell Ltd., 1971.

Fowler, Michelle. "Keeping the Faith: The Presbyterian Press in Peace and War, 1913-1919." M.A. thesis, Wilfrid Laurier univeristy, 2005.

Hildebrand, Denise. "Staff Perspectives of the Aboriginal Residential School Experience: A Study of Four Presbyterian Schools, 1888-1923." M.A. thesis, University of Manitoba, 2003.

Owen, Michael. "Keeping Canada God's Country: Presbyterian Perspectives on Selected Social Issues, 1900-1915." Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 1984.

Rioux, Georges. "Presbytériens à Québec, de 1760 à 1890." M.A. thesis, Université Laval, 1987.

Stinson, Thomas Andrew. "A Kind of Question that Raises Feeling: Nova Scotia Presbyterians and the Formation of the United Church of Canada." M.A. thesis, Dalhousie University, 1991.

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