Prairie Bible Institute

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First Things First: Beginnings Back of "Hoping for Nothing." Three Hills: Prairie Press, n.d.

Hoping for Nothing: The Miracle of the Prairie Bible Institute. Three Hills: Prairie Bible Institute Book Room, 1945.

Callaway, Bernice. Legacy: The Moving Saga of our Prairie Pioneers. By the author, n.d. [c.1987].

Callaway, Bernice and Victor. The Spirit of Prairie: Celebrating 75 Years of God's Faithfulness. Three Hills: Prairie Bible Institute, 1997.

Callaway, Tim. "Training Disciplined Soldiers for Christ: The influence of American fundamentalism on Prairie Bible Institute during the L.E. Maxwell era (1922-1980)." Ph.D. diss., University of South Africa, 2010.

________. Training Disciplined Soldiers for Christ: The Influence of American Fundamentalism on Prairie Bible Institute (1922-1980) (Bloomington, IN: West Bow Press, 2013)

Davidson, Roy. God's Plan on the Prairies. Three Hills, AB: By the author, 1986.

Elliott, David R. "Studies of Eight Canadian Fundamentalists." Ph.D. Diss., University of British Columbia, 1989.

Enarson, David E. Thine Hand Upon Me: He Tells it Like it Was, Memoirs of David E. Enarson. N.p., n.d. [c. 1996].

Enns, James. "Creating a Community of 'the Called': The Development of Prairie Bible Institute, 1922-1947." Paper presented at the Canadian Historical Association, Edmonton, AB, May 2000.

Enns, James. "Every Christian a Missionary: Fundamentalist Education at Prairie Bible Institute, 1922-1947." M.A. Thesis, University of Calgary, 2000.

Enns, James. "Hothouse Fundamentalism on the Prairies: The Early Years of Prairie Bible Institute Through the Private Eyes of Dorothy Ruth Miller." Historical Papers: Canadian Society of Church History (2002): 5-24.

Enns, James. "Ruth Dearing: Free to Minister." In Aspenland 2000, ed. David Ridley. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, forthcoming.

Epp, Margaret. Into All the World: The Story of the Missionary Outreach of Prairie Bible Institute. Forward by L.E. Maxwell. Three Hills, Alta: Prairie Press, 1973.

Fieldhouse, Marvin L. The Prairie Bible Institute . . . Whither Bound? Karuizawa, Nagano Ken, Japan: Oriental Bible Study Fellowship, c. 1969.

Fuller, W. Harold. Maxwell's Power and Passion. Huttonville, ON: Maxwell Foundation, 2002.

Giesbrecht, Jared. "Education with Distinction." Unpublished paper, 2002.

Goertz, Donald A. "The Development of a Bible Belt: The Socio-Religious Interaction in Alberta between 1925 and 1938," M.C.S. thesis, Regent College, 1980.

Gray, James H. "Miracle at Three Hills." Maclean's Magazine, 15 December 1947: 16-56.

Guenther, Bruce L. "Training for Service: The Bible School Movement in Western Canada, 1909-1960." Ph.D. Dissertation, McGill University, 2001.

Guenther, Bruce L. "Slithering Down the Plank of Intellectualism? The Canadian Conference of Christian Educators and the Impulse Towards Accreditation Among Canadian Bible Schools During the 1960s." In Historical Studies in Education 16, No. 2 (2004).

Guthrie, Robert. "L.E. Maxwell and Dr. H. Hildebrand and the Institutes They Founded: A Comparative Study." Unpublished paper, 1994.

Keller, W. Phillip. Expendable!: With God on the Prairies, the Ministry of Prairie Bible Institute, Three Hills, Alberta, Canada. Three Hills, Alta.: Prairie Press, 1966.

Mann, W.E. Sect, Cult and Church in Alberta. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1955.

Maxwell, L.E. Abandoned to Christ. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1955. Reprinted by Three Hills: Prairie Press, 1980.

Maxwell, L.E. Born Crucified. Chicago: Moody Press, 1945.

Maxwell, L.E. The Miracle of The Prairie Bible Institute: Hoping for Nothing. Three Hills, AB: Prairie Bible Institute Book Room, 1945.

Maxwell, L.E. Prairie Pillars. Three Hills, AB: Prairie Press Publications, 1971.

McElheran, Mabel Kirk. Nothing in My Hand: A Testimony to God's Faithfulness. Three Hills: Prairie Book Room, n.d.

Nelms, Daniel H. "A Comparative History of Three Selected Bible Colleges in Alberta." Ph.D. Diss., Walden University, 1982.

Opp, James W. "‘Culture of the Soul': Fundamentalism and Evangelism in Canada, 1921-1940." M.A. Thesis, University of Calgary, 1994.

Opp, James W. "The New Age of Evangelism: Fundamentalism and Radio on the Canadian Prairies, 1925-1945." Historical Papers: Canadian Society of Church History (1994): 99-120.

Rennie, Ian S. “The Doctrine of Man in the Canadian Bible Belt.” Paper presented at the Regent College Conference, Calgary, February 1974.

Rennie, Ian S. “The Western Prairie Revival in Canada: During the Depression and World War II.” Paper presented at the Oxford Conference on Revival, Oxford, 1978.

Spaulding, Stephen Maxwell. "Lion on the Prairie: An Interpretative Analysis of the Life and Leadership of L.E. Maxwell, 1895-1984." D.Miss. diss., Fuller Theological Seminary, 1991.

Stackhouse, John G., Jr. Canadian Evangelicalism in the Twentieth Century: An Introduction to Its Character. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.

Thielmann, Timothy Henry. "The Spirit of Prairie: A Study of the Familial Character of Prairie Bible Institute, 1922-1972." Unpublished paper, 2002.

Wallace, Lynn H. “Learning Strategies of Bible College Freshmen: A Case Study of Prairie Bible College.” Ed D diss., Montana State University, 1994.

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