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Alternate Names:

Brice-Bennett, Carol. "Two opinions: Inuit and Moravian Missionaries in Labrador, 1804-1860." M.A. thesis, Memorial University, 1981.

Davis, Davena. "'The dayspring from on high hath visited us': An examination of the missionary endeavours of the Moravians and the Anglican Church Missionary Society among the Inuit in the Arctic regions of Canada and Labrador, 1880s-1920s." Ph.D. diss., McGill University, 1987.

Hiller, James K. “The Foundation and Early Years of the Moravian Mission in Labrador, 1752-1805.” M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1968.

Jarvis, Dale Gilbert. "Architectural Change and Architectural Meaning in Moravian Labrador." M.A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2001.

Weinlick, John R. The Moravian Church in Canada. Winston-Salem, NC: Provincial Women’s Board of the Southeast Province, 1966.

Whiteley, William H. "Inventory of Moravian Mission Records from Labrador." Moravian Archives Bethlehem, 1960.

Whiteley, William H. "The Establishment of the Moravian Mission in Labrador and British Policy, 1763-1783." Canadian Historical Review XLV:1 (March 1964): 29-50.

Whiteley, William H. "The Moravian Missionaries and the Labrador: Eskimos in the Eighteenth Century." Church History 35:1 (1966): 76-92.

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