Missions in Canada

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Alternate Names: Home Missions

Angel, Michael. "The Ojibwa-missionary Encounter at Rainy Lake Mission, 1839-1857." M.A. thesis, University of Manitoba, 1986.

Black, Robert Merrill "A Crippled Crusade: Anglican Missions to French-Canadian Roman Catholics in Lower Canada, 1835 to 1868." Th.D. thesis, University of Trinity College, 1989.

Block, Alvina. "George Flett, Native Presbyterian Missionary: Old Philospher/Rev'd Gentleman." M.A. thesis, University of Manitoba, 1998.

Brice-Bennett, Carol. "Two opinions: Inuit and Moravian Missionaries in Labrador, 1804-1860." M.A. thesis, Memorial University, 1981.

Burnett, Kristen. "Wise Women from the East: Representations and Self-representations of Women in the Methodist Mission Field in Western Canada." M.A. thesis, University of Calgary, 1999.

Carter, Alfred. "The Life and Labors of the Reverend Robert Terrill Rundle, Pioneer Missionary to the Saskatchewan, Canada." Ph.D. diss., Boston Univ., 1952.

Edwards, Gail Elizabeth. "Creating Textual Communities: Anglican and Methodist Missionaries and Print Culture in British Columbia, 1858-1914." Ph.D. diss., University of British Columbia, 2001.

Falk, Gerald Arthur. "Missionary Education Work Amoungst the Prairie Indians, 1870-1914." M.A. thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1973.

Fast, Vera K. "The Protestant Missionary and Fur Trade Society: Initial Contact in the Hudson's Bay Terriory, 1820-1850." Ph.D. diss., University of Manitoba, 1984.

Gartrell, George E. "The Work of the Churches in the Yukon, During the Era of the Klondike Gold Rush." M.A. thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1970.

Goosen, N.J. "The relationship of the CMS and the Hudson's Bay Company in Rupert's Land 1821-1860 with a case study of the Stanley Mission." M.A. thesis, University of Manitoba, 1974.

Grant, John Webster. “Indian Missions as European Enclaves: Relations Between European and Local Canadian Initiatives.” Published as “Missionaries and Messiahs in the Northwest.” Studies in Religion 9, No. 2 (1980): 125-136.

Gray, Susan Elaine. "The Ojibwa World View and Ecounters with Christianity Along the Berens River, 1875-1940." Ph.D. diss., University of Manitoba, 1996.

Healey, James B. "An Educational History of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Newfoundland." M.Ed. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1994.

Hele, Karl. "The Anishinabeg-Missionary Encounter at Bawating (Sault Ste. Marie), c. 1821-1871." Ph.D. diss., McGill University, 2003.

Hutchinson, Gerald M. “The Wesleyan Mission to the HBC Territories, 1840-54.” Published in Canadian Society of Church History Papers (1979): 19-32.

Jolly, Joseph. "Give Christ the Freedom to Build his Native Church." D.Min. thesis, Providence College and Seminary, 2000.

Krasowski, Sheldon K. "A Numiany, the Prayer People, and the Pagans of Walpole Island First Nation: Resistance to the Anglican Church, 1845-1885." M.A. thesis, Trent University, 1999.

Lockner, Bradley John. "Nineteenth Century British Columbia Methodism: The Missionary Enterprise of Thomas Crosby." M.C.S. thesis, Regent College, 1975.

Lovesey, Dorothy May. To Be A Pilgrim: A Biography of Silas Tertius Rand, (1810-1889), Nineteenth Century Protestant Missionary to the Micmac. Hantsport, NS: Lancelot Press, 1992.

Lund, Jennifer. "Negotiating race and gender in the diaries of Eliza Jones, British wife of an Ojibwa Missionary in Upper Canada, 1823-1883." Ph.D. diss., York University, 2010.

Marr, Lucille. “Craigwood: The Mennonite Central Committee’s Home for Delinquent Boys.” Published as “Christian Love Meets Government Regulation: From Ailsa Craig Boys’ Farm to Craigwood, 1954-1970.” Historical Papers: Canadian Society of Church History (1997): 97-118. Also published as “Ailsa Craig Boys’ Farm: A ‘Pioneering Institution,’ 1954-1970.” Studies in Religion / Sciences religieuses 28, No. 4 (1999): 419-36.

McLaren, Darcee. "Living the Middle Ground: Four Native resbyterian Missionaries. 1866-1912." Ph.D. diss., McMaster University, 1997.

McDougall, John. George Millward McDougall: The Pioneer, Patriot and Missionary. Toronto: William Briggs, 1888.

Middlebro', Tanya. "The Life and Thought of the Reverend Egerton R. Young (1840-1909)" M.A. thesis, Carleton University, 2003.

Moir, John S., and C.T. McIntire, eds. Canadian Protestant and Catholic Missions, 1820s-1960s. New York: Peter Lang, 1988.

Murton Stoehr, Catherine. "Salvation from Empire: The Roots of Anishinabe Christianity in Upper Canada, 1650-1840." Ph.D. diss., Queen's University, 2008.

Neylan, Susan. “The Heavens are Changing”: Nineteenth-Century Protestant Missions and Tsimshian Christianity. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002.

Neylan, Susan. "'The Heavens are Changing': Nineteenth Century Protestant Missionization on the North Pacific Coast." Ph.D. diss., University of British Columbia, 1999.

Nix, James Ernest. Mission among the Buffalo: The Labours of the Reverends George M. and John C. McDougall in the Canadian Northwest, 1860-1876. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1960.

Palmer, Bernard. Journey to a Lonely Land: The Birth and Growth of NCEM. Prince Albert: Northern Canada Evangelical Mission, 1971.

Peake, Frank A. From the Red River to the Arctic : Essays on Anglican missionary expansion in the nineteenth century. Toronto, Ontario : Canadian Church Historical Society, 1989.

Peake, Frank A. “Robert McDonald: The Great Unknown Missionary of the Northwest.” Published in The Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society 17, No. 3 (1975): 54-72.

Peikoff, Tannis Mara. "Anglican Missionaries and Governing the Self: An Encounter With Aboriginal Peoples in Western Canada, 1820-1865." Ph.D. diss., University of Manitoba, 2000.

Rauser, Cheri Isabell. "Clean Hearts and Clean Homes: The Work of Methodist Women Missionaries Among Ukrainian Immigrants in East-central Alberta, 1904-1925." M.A. thesis, Carleton University, 1991.

Rutherdale, Myra. "Models of Grace and Boundaries of Culture: Women Missionaries on a Northern Frontier, 1860-1940." Ph.D. diss., York University, 1996.

Shipley, Nan. The James Evans Story. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1966.

Stevenson, Winona Lu-Ann. "The Church Missionary Society Red River Mission and the Emergence of a Native Ministry, 1820-1860." M.A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1988.

Usher, Jean. "William Duncan of Metlakatla." Ph.D. diss., University of British Columbia, 1969.

Usher, Jean. William Duncan of Metlakatla: A Victorian Missionary in British Columbia. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, 1974.

Wang, Jiwu. “His Dominion” and the “Yellow Peril”: Protestant Missions to Chinese Immigrants in Canada, 1859-1967. Waterloo, Ont: Pandora Press, 2006.

Zaslow, Morris. “The Missionary as Social Reformer: The Case of William Duncan.” Published in Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society 8, No. 3 (1966): 52-69.

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