Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada

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Alternate Names:

"The Story of the Christian and Missionary Alliance." Nyack, New York: Alliance Press, 1900.

Fawcett, Kevin. ""Renegade or Reformer? Oswald J. Smith and the Christian and Missionary Alliance, 1921-1930."" M.A. thesis, Briercrest Seminary, 2003."

Henry, James Daryn. A.B. Simpson and the Making of Modern Evangelicalism. McGill-Queen’s Studies in the History of Religion. Series Two 87. Montreal Kingston London Chicago: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019.

Nienkirchen, Charles. "The Man, the Movement, & the Mission: A Documentary History of the Christian and Missionary Alliance." Canadian Thelogical Seminary, 1987.

Reid, Darrel R. "Towards a Fourfold Gospel: A.B. Simpson, John Salmon, and the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada." In Aspects of the Canadian Evangelical Experience. ed. George A. Rawlyk, 271-288. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997.

Reynolds, Lindsay. Footprints: The Beginnings of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada. Willowdale: Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, 1982.

Reynolds, Lindsay. Rebirth: The Redevelopment of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada 1919-1983. Willowdale: Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, 1992.

Shantz, Mary-Ann Melissa. "Confessionalism and Evangelicalism: The Anglican and Alliance Churches in Calgary after World War ll." MA thesis, University of Calgary, 2005.

Related Pages:

Simpson, Albert B.