Christian Reformed Church

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Alternate Names: CRC, C.R.C.

Byl, John. "Objectives and Involvement in Dance and Physically Active Games in the Christian Reformed Denomination and in its Congregations in Chatham, Ontario, 1926-1981."M.H.K. thesis, University of Windsor, 1983.

Graumans, Joe. "The Role of Ethno-religious Organizations in the Assimilation Process of Dutch Christian Reformed and Catholic Immigrants in South Western Ontario." M.A. thesis, University of Windsor, 1973.

Hofman, Tymen E. The Canadian Story of the CRC: Its First Century. Belleville: Guardian Books, 2004.

Stam, Henry. "Effectiveness of Formal Socialization Processes within the Christian Reformed Church." M.A. thesis, University of Windsor, 1987.

Vander Vliet, Joyce G. "Women, church, and Society: The Christian Reformed Church Case." M.A. thesis, University of Guelph, 1996.

VanderMey, Albert. To All Our Children: The Story of the Postwar Dutch Immigration to Canada. Jordan Station, Ont: Paideia Press, 1982.

Van Ginkel, Aileen. "Ethnicity in the Reformed Tradition: Dutch Calvinist Immigrants in Canada, 1946-1960." M.A. thesis, University of Toronto, 1982.

Wildeboer, Henry. “First Christian Reformed Church Renewal: Its Reformed Theological Basis, Its Development, and Its Implications for Other Congregations.” DMin thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1983.

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