Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada

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Alternate Names: United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces, Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches

Adekola, Moses bola. "The Distinctives of Black Nova Scotian Culture and the place of the Preacher in that Context." D.Min. thesis, Acadia University, 2006.

Bill, I.E. Fifty Years with the Baptist Ministers and Churches of the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Saint John: Barnes and Co., 1880.

Deweese, Charles W. "Church Covenants and Church Discipline Among Baptists in the Maritime Provinces, 1778-1878." In Repent and Believe: The Baptist Experience in Maritime Canada, ed. Barry M. Moody. Hansport, NS: Lancelot Press, 1980.

Fawcett, Bruce and Dale Stairs, eds. Roots and Resurgence: Atlantic Baptist Youth Ministry at the Turn of the Millennium. Baptist Heritage in Atlantic Canada Series, Volume 18. Wolfville, Nova Scotia: Acadia Divinity College, 2013.

Fawcett, Bruce and Michael McDonald. Building Young Leaders: Using mission experiences to help youth grow as leaders. Saint John, New Brunswick: Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches, 2012.

Griffin-Allwood, Philip. “Maritime Baptists and Unimmersed Christians: The Influence of Societies on Church Membership Practice.” Published in Canadian Society of Church History Papers (1984): 66-88.

Hagerman, Bryan Floyd. "The Church as a Countercultural Entity, Engaging the Culture in the Twenty-First Century Marketplace Context." D.Min. thesis, Acadia University, 2008.

Hanley, Perry Wayne. "Identity Crises: Is there a role for deacons in 21st century Convention of Atlantic Baptist churches?" D.Min. thesis, Acadia University, 2008.

Levy, George. Baptists of the maritime Provinces: 1753-1946. Saint John: Barnes-Hopkins, 1946.

Moody, Barry M., ed. Repent and Believe: The Baptist Experience in Maritime Canada. Hantsport, N.S.: Lancelot Press, 1980.

Priestley, David T., ed. A Fragile Stability: Definition and Redefinition of Maritime Baptist Identity. Hantsport, NS: Lancelot Press, 1994.

Rawlyk, George A. Champions Of The Truth: Fundamentalism, Modernism, and the Maritime Baptist. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1990.

Saunders, E. History of the Baptists of the maritime Provinces. Halifax, N.S.: Press of John Burgoyne, 1902.

Wilson, Robert S., ed. An Abiding Conviction: Maritime Baptists and Their World. Hantsport, NS: Lancelot Press, 1988.

Wilson, Robert S. "From William Carey to Richard Burpee: Maritime Baptists and Foreign Missions to 1845." Canadian Society of Church History Historical Papers (1992): 57-78.

Related Pages:

Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Québec
Canadian Baptist Ministries
Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces